Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall: Sparrows and some rarities

I went out to Branched Oak lake this week and found Sabine's gull first thing. In flight they are easy to ID with a sort of W shaped pattern on their back. Then I found some in water, but these would not take flight so no pictures of the W. They are tiny, compared to the Ring Billed Gull.

The sparrows will be here soon enough for about a month. This one is Lincoln's:

The second one is also Lincoln's but not as much of the tan color.

Savannah sparrow

Yellow-rumped warblers are numerous. I never capture the yellow rump.

White-throated sparrows eventually come to your feeder (well, not mine, just juncos).

Harris's sparrow. 

Another Harris's sparrow

Looking for Lesser Black-backed Gull, found by several at Branched Oak Lake, finally saw this only slightly bigger than ring-billed gull. I did not get a picture, so this one I took in Iceland will have to do:

More Osprey are seen than all summer