Monday, February 12, 2018

Last of the winter birds

I have not managed to find any real rarities, other than a difficult (for me) rusty blackbird. The picture is not terrific, so we will just post here the winter range:

It comes from the Canadian bogs and marshes, with some trees, to winter here. Omaha is certainly in the common area on the map, but here in Lincoln we are starting to be at the end of the range.

I am not great at finding horned larks in fields while sitting in a car. It gets a little easier with snow, and sometimes you find them right at the road side.

I did find a brown creeper. They need a little bit of a forest, a few back yard trees are not enough to keep them all winter. By spring they are gone.

I rarely find Longspurs so here are the only pictures I have of a Lapland Longspur from a  year ago:

In early March local birder Steve found a long tailed duck. A small Arctic bird I was able to add to my NE list:

It is headed North and stops at half frozen lakes on the way to dive for clams and such on the bottom.