It has been a bit slow. Finally got the 75 birds for the year list. Went to see some gulls yesterday. If I had stayed another hour I might have got the Iceland gull.
Ring bills:
A young gull catching a fish:
1 Canada Goose
2 American Crow
3 Dark-eyed Junco
4 Northern Cardinal
5 Wild Turkey
6 Rock Pigeon
7 Red-bellied Woodpecker
8 Downy Woodpecker
9 Northern Flicker
10 Black-capped Chickadee
11 White-breasted Nuthatch
12 American Goldfinch
13 Barred Owl
14 Blue Jay
15 American Robin
16 Mallard
17 Red-tailed Hawk
18 Red-breasted Nuthatch
19 Ring-necked Pheasant
20 House Sparrow
21 American Tree Sparrow
22 Harris's Sparrow
23 Western Meadowlark
24 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
25 House Finch
26 Fox Sparrow
27 Golden-crowned Kinglet
28 Brown Creeper
29 Mourning Dove
30 Northern Harrier
31 Bald Eagle
32 American Kestrel
33 Yellow-rumped Warbler
34 Sharp-shinned Hawk
35 White-throated Sparrow
36 Eurasian Collared-Dove
37 Eastern Bluebird
38 Red-winged Blackbird
39 European Starling
40 Cedar Waxwing
41 Song Sparrow
42 Hairy Woodpecker
43 Carolina Wren
44 Long-eared Owl
45 Horned Lark
46 Cackling Goose
47 Great Horned Owl
48 Cooper's Hawk
49 Belted Kingfisher
50 Common Goldeneye
51 Ring-billed Gull
52 Greater White-fronted Goose
53 Sandhill Crane
54 Herring Gull
55 Common Merganser
56 Brown-headed Cowbird
57 Snow Goose
58 American Wigeon
59 Northern Pintail
60 Ring-necked Duck
61 Ross's Goose
62 Trumpeter Swan
63 Turkey Vulture
64 Wood Duck
65 Red-shouldered Hawk
66 Northern Mockingbird
67 Eastern Towhee
68 Eastern Meadowlark
69 Bufflehead
70 Northern Shoveler
71 Gadwall
72 Redhead
73 American White Pelican
74 Lesser Scaup
75 American Coot